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Lesson Types

Senaid Bacinovic
Updated 6 months ago
In MembersPRO, we have three types of lessons that you can create:
- Published
- Drip
- Hybrid

Each of them is very different and will provide you with different features you can use within the platform.

#1 Published

Use this lesson type if you want your lesson to be available immediately to all students at a specific date in the future.

As you can see from the image above, for this lesson type, you can also schedule your lesson's release.

If you enable this option, you will get the following:

This is a powerful option because you can delay when a particular lesson is available. On top of that, you also can set when this lesson will "expire" and not be visible to students anymore.

#2 Drip

Use this lesson type if you want to delay the lesson's release based on the student enrollment date.

Example scenario:
- Lesson 1 will be released two days after students join the course
- Lesson 2 will be released seven days after the students join the course

If you take a look at this screenshot:

You can make a conclusion that it is super easy to set up this type because all you need to do is to specify the number of days after which the lesson will be released.

#3 Hybrid

This lesson type is complex at first look but you should think about it as a newsletter subscription. When you subscribe to the newsletter, you're going to get all the emails in the future, but you're going to miss all that have been sent before you joined.

So, if someone joins on or before the date you set, they will have access to the lesson. If they join after, they will not have access.

Let's take a look at the following:

From this picture, you can see that if you understand the core concept, it's pretty straightforward to set it up. All you need to do is to specify the enrollment date and release/expire date if you want.

Now that you understand lesson types click here to learn how to create your first lesson in MembersPRO.

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